During the 1850, around 56% of the workforce in Chicago was secondary sector jobs. As the years progressed the secondary sector decreased to 17%. In 1990 the tertiary sector grew to about 80%, and made Chicago a leading city in employment. Chicago’s economy is successful due to some key industries; Business & Financial Services, Health Services, Manufacturing and Transportation & Distribution. Today Chicago has over 1 million employees in the industries described above. Some jobs that Chicago is abundant in are Accounting, Advertising, Legal Services, Recruiting, Security services, Specialized design and Management services.
Chicago’s manufacturing industry continues to change due to the wind energy innovations and the green building materials, as well as the high-tech products. The health service industry is also major to Chicago’s economy, which employs about 525,000 people. Another major industry is their Transportation & Distribution since 1850’s. They have become a major crossroad of American global trade, due to its location to Lake Michigan. Overall, Chicago is an important commercial and financial center to North America.
Cites Used:
Book Used: Development, Security, and Cooperation, Policy and Global Affairs, Indian National Science Academy, Chinese Academy of Sciences. National Academies Press, Jun 26, 2001