Thursday, March 20, 2014

Ch 9. The Inland South

     Parts of Virginia, West Virginia, North & South Carolina, Kentucky, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, South part of Missouri, northern Louisiana, western Texas and eastern Oklahoma are a part of the Inland South. The climate is typically humid subtropical, where summers are hot and humid, winters are mild. Floods are very common, and the region has lots of forest due to large amount of rainfall. Tornadoes are prone in the Inland South especially in Alabama and Mississippi, because the land is flat. 
     In early settlement the Inland South was a common place to settle due to its large amount of natural resources. Not surprisingly Europeans colonized the region and forced Natives out their land. The most known tragic event was the Trail of Tears. Thousands of Natives were removed and relocated from their land, along the way hundreds died. Slavery was common in the Inland South during the 1800’s, due to large numbers of plantations, which needed slaves to work the lands.
     Agriculture is important in the Inland South. Cotton is the crop that is associated to the region, as well as moon shining productions. North Carolina and Kentucky produces tobacco, which has been a health controversy. The Inland South’s economy is strong in tertiary and quaternary sector, due to Military bases in the region. Some attractions to the region are the Shenandoah National Park, the Skyline Drive, and other monumental places. The Inland South has grown in the last half-century, and it’s an important region of North America.

Book used:
Hardwick,Shelley, Susan Wiley. The Geography of North America 2nd Edition. Pearson College Div. 2012.

Cotton plantation

Trail of Tears

Tornado that devastated Alabama in 2011
 Shenandoah National Park

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