Thursday, April 10, 2014

Ch. 14 Mex America

     MexAmerica region is composed of parts of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Southern California. The land forms of the region are rugged mountains, and some land surfaces are flat. The climate varies across the region, with common hot, dry weathers. The west part of the region is moist due to the Pacific Ocean. On the other hand the east side is very dry. The region has many deserts, some are; Mojave Desert, Sonoran Desert, and Chichuahuan Desert. The temperatures during summer are very hot. A big concern for the region is flash flooding just like the region of The Rocky Mountains. The region has a very diverse bio-geography. Many species are associated with the region and are not found anywhere but MexAmerica region.
     Early settlement, like many other regions, was by Native Americans who occupied the land years before Europeans and Spanish arrival. In 1845, the annexation of Texas was signed and after that war began between the U.S. and Mexico.Three years later the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed, which ceded parts of Mexican land to the U.S. Today a great part of the populations have Mexican/Spanish ancestry. 
     The location of the region near the U.S. and Mexico border has really influenced politics and the economy. Agriculture is greatly seen in the eastern and western parts of the region. Secondary sector has become important to the region. One policy that helped grow the secondary sector was the Zona Libre, which gave companies rights to settle a factory within the 12 miles zone. The factories are known as maquiladoras, which rely on Mexican workers who earn minimum wage.    
     The culture in the region is greatly influenced by Spanish and Indian descendants. If you visit the place you will most likely hear Tex-Mex and of course taste Mexican cuisine and see Roman Catholic Churches along the roads. The most Mexican urban landscape found in the region is the city of San Antonio. Its very common  for tourist to stop at the central plaza, which  is inspired by Latinos. The largest city is Phoenix, Arizona. They city is the center of high-technology manufacturing research and development. The growth of the population has created a great demand for water from the Rio Grande, the Colorado and other rivers. The region is a place where drugs and people are smuggled through. Mex America region is very important to the U.S. history.

Book used:
Hardwick,Shelley, Susan Wiley. The Geography of North America 2nd Edition. Pearson College Div. 2012.
Land that was acquired in the Treaty of Guadalupe 
Great Canyon
Maquiladoras in the Region
Mojave Dessert
Selena Quintanilla "Queen of Tex-Mex"

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