Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Ch. 15 California

     People have mixed thoughts on California. It’s the state where the weather is pleasant year round. It’s where movie stars love, but it’s also a place of high crime due to the large population. The mountains in the region determine the climate. Due to California being located in the North American & Pacific plates boundaries it has created many mountains, earthquakes and volcanoes. California has main lateral faults, the San Andreas Fault being the more famous one. The region has cool and some rainy winters, with summers being long and warm. Overall California rarely experiences tornadoes or hurricanes, but do experience landslides.
     The name of the state was first used in 1542 by early explores. Many of early settlers lived in small villages, fished, were hunter and gatherers and practiced agriculture. After European arrival many natives died in war, starved or were physically abused. Missions were introduced, to keep Natives in them place and were forced to free labor. Until 1821, Mexico got their independence from Spain, and later on California became part of the U.S. in 1848. Soon enough gold was discovered in California and the population increased drastically. Los Angeles is the second largest city in North America, due to the early settlement and the natural resources in the region. Undocumented people have been essential in the population growth of California. Refugees from Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America settled in when immigration laws changed.
     California is the leading agricultural state in the U.S. California produces olives, almonds, walnuts, avocados, grapes, lettuce, plums, tomatoes, and strawberries. The Central Valley is the leading agricultural area of California. Mineral resources are another way California stays as a wealthy state. California is the center of entertainment, television programs and radio stations. High-technology is an important industry to the economy of California. About 36.9 million people resided in California as of 2010, and it’s the most urban state. California is very ethnically diverse. San Francisco, San Diego, Santa Monica, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley are among  the important places in California. California will continue to thrive even though its population continues to grow along with environmental problems. 

Book used:
Hardwick,Shelley, Susan Wiley. The Geography of North America 2nd Edition. Pearson College Div. 2012.
Enjoy the video!!

Famous Hollywood Sign
California Missions built during early settlement
Mount Whitney
California's beautiful weather & scenery as the sun sets
San Francisco 
Strawberries being grow 

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